Nagarkot and Bhaktapur Durbar SquaRe
We reached Nagarkot in the afternoon... the drive out of Thamel in Khatmandu was tedious as lanes very narrow... we had to pass through Bhaktapur whose Durbar square we were keen to visit too... The pix below are of our Nagarkot stay Nagarkot is famous for its sun rise and sunsets and trekkers like to walk its trails... We .,666spent the night at the edge of the hills... at the Edge since it was hazy we could barely see sun set or sun rise... Valley view from our hotel That's my daughter... Terrace Tree chair... too small to be called tree house... our room with a balcony and a view Sun set time... on our hotel's terrace some Tyre burned whilst going up... Bhaktapur (info from Google) The Durbar Square is a generic name for the Malla palace square and can be found in Kathma...